Monday, May 21, 2012

Meet The Brother Cats

Because there is nothing on this earth people like better than seeing pictures of other people's cats, and hearing about them, I'll do a public service and share this, a picture of my brother cats (kittens, really, as they are 6 months old).  They are, from the top, named Vernon, Ash and Mergatroid (who we call Merg), and they are three of the best cats I've ever known.  Vernon is the most aloof and the most photogenic.  He has the best markings, so crisp and defined, and he knows it.  Ash is a showcase cat.  He is completely gray, no white at all, and his fur is soft and plush.  He's friendly, but mostly to my son Freddy, his best friend.  And Merg---well, Merg is one amazing cat.  He's the most outgoing, most relaxed, most human-oriented cat I've ever know, and I've know a lot of cats.  He relaxes into your arms the minute you pick him up.  He ever cares about other cats---one time Ash was making a horrible cat choking sound, and Merg ran over and literally started patting him and licking him.

I won't go on and on about cats, so this won't turn into a cat blog, but they were posed so well today I thought I should at least introduce them.

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