Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why A Second Blog?

Well....because I like to write. And because sometimes what I feel like writing about has nothing to do with autism. My mind was awash this morning with ideas to write about, and I was trying to rein them into an autism-related theme. It suddenly felt like when you are having a conversation with a friend, and you want to talk about something else all of a sudden. Not because you are bored with the current topic, but because you have something else you want to share. The usual conversational convention is to say "On a completely unrelated topic..." and then go on with your new idea, so that is what this blog will do. I think I'll write about books, television, things I take pictures of, cats, annoying drivers, the wacky life of a mother of teenagers and food. I'll probably toss in some sarcasm and pathos, and some attempts at being ironic and nasty, as well as sentimental enough to drive every reader to tears, if there are any readers. There might not be---there are many blogs out there that are general like this, and I'm not vain enough to think the interest in an autism blog means I can write a general one, but if you like to write, sometimes you just like to write, and the fact that no-one might be reading doesn't stop you! I'll put on the first "real" post a little later today.


  1. Well I have enjoyed your writing on your janey blog so I will follow you here as well. I am the opposite of you- I love to read but writing is a chore. Keep writing!

  2. Thanks! It means a lot to me to have a follower here!

  3. I happen to have several blogs, each about a different topic, and one of which I say is "writing related" but actually quite general in reality - so I look forward to reading your second blog and seeing what you have to say! :)
